Arduino Computer Numerical Control (CNC) DIY Project
DIY CNC Router Machine with Laser Engraver | 2 In 1
How to make a DIY CNC Router using Arduino UNO and TB6600 Stepper Driver that has both a Spindle / Router and Laser Module to Engrave / Cut.
How to make a DIY CNC Router using Arduino UNO and TB6600 Stepper Driver that has both a Spindle / Router and Laser Module to Engrave / Cut.
Self-made Solar Go-Kart or Electric Vehicle that uses the 48V Solar panel to charge its four lead-acid batteries and runs on BLDC Motor.
An Arduino Drawing Machine / CNC Plotter / Drawbot that uses GRBL-servo firmware for G-code interpretation and CoreXY motion control.
Project documentation of Delta Advanced Automation Contest. My team have participated and won the First prize at the Wujiang plant of Delta Group, China.